Field of red, yellow and orange tulips.


"I am so grateful for Elizabeth's patience and persistence as an editor. She worked with me to take my writing from rambling and scattered stories to a cohesive and flowing narrative that I am proud to share." 
— Julie McDaniel, Author of Morocco Bound: A Guidebook for Expats

“It is one thing to have editing knowledge.  It is another thing to be able to see the ‘whole picture’ and make the contents work together to flow smoothly from one chapter to the next. Elizabeth is exceptional in that she suggests creative changes that help the reader feel more a part of the story. She has a keen eye for detail and took my book to a new level of enjoyment for the reader.” 
— Cathy Daub, Author of Birthing in the Spirit

”As an editor, Elizabeth is both gentle and surgically precise. Her supportive feedback has honed three of my poems for publication in chapbooks, and I have been immensely grateful for her sharp eye, fast mind, and diligent willingness to labor with me through each stage of revision. Elizabeth is the rare type of editor who can call the potential out of even the roughest draft, but never speaks over the writer’s voice or replaces it with her own. Her approach to creative writing nurtures both craft and artistry.”
— Lucinda Bowen, Poet

Tall tree with dark branches and spring green leaves.

“Elizabeth is an excellent editor. She was efficient and paid careful attention to detail. I highly recommend her!”
— Kaylene Stevens Ed.D. (Boston University)

“I needed thoughtful editing of my PhD dissertation to ensure coherence, iron out wrinkly academic prose, and catch typos in UK English. Elizabeth was a brilliant, thoughtful, and diligent editor. Working with her made final submission a much smoother process.”
— Robert Colby, PhD (Courtauld Institute of Art, London)

“I am continually impressed with Elizabeth’s attention to detail, response time, and understanding of my content.”
— Dr. Heidi Ojha (Temple University)

Pale pink flowers in foreground with grass and hill in background.